Tableau at Work

This is the detailed Table of Contents from the book, Tableau at Work©

Introduction, 23

1. The Tableau Workspace, 31

1.1 The Start Page , 32

1.1.1 Connect to a Data Source, 33

1.2 The Toolbar, 34

1.2.1 The Highlight Tool, 35

1.2.2 Fit, 35

1.2.3 Show Me, 35

1.3 The Sidebar, 36

1.4 The Data Pane, 36

1.4.1 View Data, 36

1.4.2 Transform, 37

1.4.3 Describe, 37

1.5 Analytics Pane, 38

1.6 Cards, Shelves, Controls & Legends, 38

1.7 Add Fields & Objects to the View, 39

1.7.1 The Pages Shelf, 39

1.7.2 Show, Hide, & Format Legends, 39

1.7.3 The Columns Shelf and Rows Shelf, 40

1.8 Select Marks, 40

1.9 Working with Fields, 40

1.9.1 Field Unavailable, 40

1.9.2 The Field is Missing from the Data Source Page, 41

1.9.3 Can not Change the Order of Fields on Shelves, 41

1.9.4 Can not Delete a Field, 41

1.10 The Status Bar and Sheet Tabs , 41

1.10.1 UnHide Sheets, 41

1.10.2 Copy Dashboards and Worksheets, 41

1.11 Menus, 41

1.11.1 The Format & Window Menus, 41

1.11.2 Worksheet Menu, 42 Caption, 42

2. Data Sources, 43

2.1 The Start Page, 43

2.2 The Data Source Page, 43

2.2.1 The Context Menu, 44 Rename a Field, 44 Hide a Field, 45

2.2.2 Transform (Split) Strings, 45

2.2.3 Hide All Unused Fields, 46

2.2.4 Create an Alias, 46

2.2.5 Edit or Remove Aliases, 47

2.3 Work with Data Sources, 47

2.4 Connect to a Data Source, 48 Connect to a Saved Data Source, 48

2.5 Tableau Server Data Source, 48

2.5.1 Live vs. Extract, 49

2.5.2 Data Source Extract Filters, 49 Refresh the Extract So the Visualization Data Matches the Data Source, 50

2.5.3 Move a Data Source’s Data File, 51

2.5.4 Rename a Data Source, 51

2.5.5 Remove or Close a Data Source, 51

2.5.6 Save Data Sources - *.tds, 51

2.6 Replace a Data Source, 52

2.6.1 Change the Connection to a New File, 52

2.6.2 Overview, 52

2.6.3 What is Not Copied?, 53

2.6.4 Field Names are Case-Sensitive, 53

2.6.5 Renamed Fields & Aggregation, 53

2.6.6 Field Data Types, 53

2.6.7 Check Fields in Parameter Lists Are Not Hidden, 53

2.6.8 Unused Fields, 53

2.6.9 Roles: Measures, Dimensions, Discrete, & Continuous, 54

2.6.10 Replace References, 54 Unhide Worksheets, 54 Data Source Filters, 54

2.7 Replace a Data Source, Step-by-Step Instructions, 54

2.7.1 Sign In to a Tableau Server, 55

2.7.2 Connect to the New Data Source, 55

2.7.3 New Worksheet for New Data Source, 55

2.7.4 Create a Folder for Custom Fields, 55

2.7.5 Copy Custom Fields, 56

2.7.6 Custom Shapes and Colors, and Sort Settings, 56

2.7.7 Replace the Data Source, 56

2.7.8 Look for Trouble, 57 Filter Selections, 57

2.7.9 Fixing Issues After Replacing a Data Source, 57 Replace References, 58 Update Parameter Lists, 58 Adjust Row Level Security, 58 Adjust Blend Relationships, 58

2.8 Create an Extract, 58 Add an Extract Filter, 59 Aggregate Data, 59 Number of Rows, 60

3. Tableau Terminology, 61

3.1 Dimension Fields, 61

3.1.1 Combined Dimension Fields, 61

3.2 Measure Fields, 62

3.3 Measure Names, Measure Values, & Count, 63

3.3.1 Measure Values Shelf, 63

3.3.2 Count, 64

3.4 Roles, 64

3.4.1 Geographic Role, 64

3.5 Discrete vs. Continuous, 65

3.5.1 Blue vs. Green , 66

3.5.2 Discrete, 66 Change Qty to Discrete, 67 Categorical Color Palette, 68 Sorting Discrete Data, 68

3.5.3 Continuous, 68 x and y-axis, 69 Continuous Color Palette, 70 Unable to Sort Continuous Data, 70

3.6 Calculations, Groups, Sets, Bins & Placeholders, 70

3.6.1 Table Calculations, 71

3.6.2 Groups, 71 Create Groups, 71

3.6.3 Sets, 72 Create a Static Set, 73 Conditional Sets, 74 Combined Sets, 75 Filter with Sets, 76 Set Control, 76

3.6.4 Placeholder Fields, 76

3.7 Aggregation, 77

3.7.1 The Visualization Level of Detail, 78

3.7.2 Aggregations, Addressing, and Partitioning , 78

3.7.3 Aggregate Functions, 78

3.7.4 Context Filters to Decrease Scope, 78

4. The Language of Data, 79

4.1 Types of Data, 79

4.1.1 Field Type Detection and Naming Improvements, 79

4.1.2 Change the Data Type of a Field, 80

4.2 Nulls, *, All, and None, 80

4.2.1 Nulls, 80 Null Indicator, 80

4.2.2 All, 81

4.2.3 None, 81

4.2.4 * Asterisk, 81

4.2.5 No Data, 81

4.3 Field Default Properties, 82

4.3.1 Describe Fields: Comments, 82

4.3.2 Dimension Fields, 82

4.3.3 Measure Fields, 82 Number Fields, 82

4.3.4 Date Fields, 83

4.4 Data Pane Icons, 83

4.5 The Tableau Data Model, 84

4.5.1 Logical Layer, 84

4.5.2 Physical Layer, 84

4.6 Data Structure, 85

4.6.1 Partitioning, 85

4.6.2 Valid Dates, 85

4.6.3 Remove Totals, 85

4.6.4 Tall Data, 86

4.7 Combining Data, 87

4.7.1 Relationships, 87

4.7.2 Joins, 87

4.7.3 Inner Join, 88 Create an Inner Join, 88

4.7.4 Left Join, 88 Create a Left Join, 89

4.7.5 Full Outer Join, 89

4.7.6 Right Join, 90

4.7.7 Unions, 90

4.7.8 Data Blends, 90

4.8 Working with Data, 91

4.8.1 View & Export Data, 91 Full Data Tab, 91 The View Data icon in a Tooltip , 92 Summary, 92 View Data in a TWBX File, 92 View Data from the Data Pane, 92 View Data for Selected Mark(s), 93

4.8.2 Check the Data, 93

5. A Chart With a View, 95

5.1 Preparation, 95

5.2 Show Me, 96

5.3 Create a Chart, 96

5.3.1 Which Chart (Mark Type) Should I Use?, 97

5.3.2 Drop Field, 97

5.3.3 Steps to Create the Visualization, 97

5.3.4 Validate & Test, 98

5.3.5 Data & Fields, 99 Category, 99 Sub-category, 99 Segment, 99

5.3.6 Components or Elements, 99

5.3.7 Columns Shelf, 99

5.3.8 Rows Shelf, 99

5.3.9 Color Tile and Color Legend, 99

5.4 Share Charts and Dashboards, 99

5.4.1 Export to Power Point, 100

5.4.2 Package the Workbook, 100

5.4.3 Extract Data, 100

5.4.4 Publish the Data Source to a Tableau Server, 100

5.5 Publish to Tableau Server or Tableau Public, 101

5.5.1 Optimize Performance, 101

5.5.2 Row Level Security, 101

5.5.3 Row Level Security With Two Connections in a Data Source, 101

5.6 From Data to Insights, 104

5.6.1 Start With a Question, 104

5.6.2 Analyze the Data, 105

5.6.3 What Message Do You Want to Convey?, 105 Example 1, 105 Example 2, 105 Example 3, 106 Example 4, 106 Example 5, 106 Example 6, 106

5.6.4 Tell a Story, 106 Beginning, 106 Middle, 107 End, 107

5.6.5 Target your Audience, 107

5.7 Designing a Visualization, 107

5.7.1 Preattentive Attributes, 107

5.7.2 Best Practices, 107

5.7.3 Review your visualizations, 107

5.7.4 Audience Feedback, 108

6. Storytelling With Charts, 109

6.1 Blend Measures into a Single Axis, 110

6.2 Dual-axes Charts, 110

6.3 Multiple Charts in One View, 113

6.4 A Small Multiples View, 113

6.5 Donut Chart, 118

6.5.1 Preview - the Finished Chart, 119

6.5.2 Create the Visualization, 119

6.6 Stacked Bar Chart, 121

7. Visual Details, 123

7.1 Marks Card: Tiles, 123

7.2 Types of Marks, 124

7.2.1 Multiple Marks, 125

7.2.2 Bar Charts, 126 Rounded End for Bar Charts, 126 Histogram Charts, 128 Bins, 129

7.2.3 Circle Marks, 130 Sparkline, 130 Word Clouds, 131 Box-and-Whisker Plots, 131 Create a Box-and-Whisker Plot, 132

7.2.4 Text Marks, 133

7.2.5 Square Mark Type, 133 Heat Map, 133

7.2.6 Gantt Bar Chart, 134 Bullet Graph, 134

7.2.7 Shape Marks, 136 Custom Shapes and Colors, 137 Charts with Only Shapes, 137 Timeline Chart, 137 Transparent Shapes to Call Attention to Some Marks, 138 Examples of Colored Up & Down Arrows, 138 RAG Ratings, 138 Use a Transparent Shape to Remove Blue Shading, 138 Call Attention to Marks with Transparent Shapes & Color, 139 Scatter Plots, 141 Side-by-Side Circles, 141

7.2.8 Line Charts, 141 Dumbbell Chart, 141

7.2.9 Area Mark, 142

7.2.10 Density Mark, 142

7.2.11 Maps, 143

7.3 The Color Property, 143

7.3.1 Default Color, 144

7.3.2 Fields on the Color Tile, 144

7.3.3 Color Palettes, 144 Categorical Color Palette, 145 Diverging Color Palette, 145

7.3.4 Assign Color to Marks, 145 Halo, 146

7.3.5 Border or Outline Color of Bars, 146

7.3.6 Color Positive and Negative Numbers, 146

7.3.7 Highlight Table - Include Totals in Color , 147

7.3.8 Match Label Colors to Bar Color, 147

7.3.9 Show Color Legend(s), 148

7.3.10 Color Legend From Field Values, 148

7.3.11 Opacity, 148

7.3.12 Transparency, 149

7.3.13 Color Not Applied, 149

7.3.14 White or Special Colors, 149

7.3.15 Color Tile Affects Lines in the View, 149

7.3.16 Call Attention to the Difference With Color, 149 Preview the Finished Dashboard, 150 Create the Visualization, 150

7.4 The Size Property, 152

7.5 The Text or Label Property, 153

7.5.1 A Heading for a Field on the “Text” Tile, 155

7.5.2 Text Values Not Shown, 155

7.6 The Detail Tile, 155

7.6.1 Field Not Available, 155

7.7 Tooltips, 155

7.8 Reference Lines, 156

7.8.1 Reference Line with Shading, 156

7.8.2 Format Reference Line, 157

7.8.3 Bullet Graph with Reference Line & Distribution Band, 157 Create the Visualization, 158

7.9 Trend Lines, 159

7.9.1 Trend Line Overlaps Mark Label, 159

7.9.2 Trend Line Grayed Out, 159

7.9.3 Trend Line Color, 160

7.9.4 Remove Trend Line, 160

8. Filter & Sort, 161

8.1 Filter Logic & the Order of Operations, 161

8.1.1 Order of Operations, 161

8.1.2 How Tableau Applies Filters, 162

8.1.3 The ‘Apply to Worksheets’ Setting, 162

8.2 Create a Filter, 163

8.2.1 Select Marks to Create a Filter `, 164

8.2.2 Select Headers to Filter Data, 164

8.2.3 Filter from Fields on the Rows Shelf or Columns Shelf, 164

8.2.4 Exclude Nulls, 164

8.3 Filter Controls, 165

8.3.1 Formatting a Filter Control, 165

8.3.2 Only Relevant Values, 166

8.3.3 Show Apply Button, 166

8.3.4 Show ‘All’ Value, 166

8.4 Filter Actions, 166

8.5 Types of Filters, 167

8.5.1 Table Calculation Filters, 168

8.5.2 Dimension Filters, 168 Top N Filter, 168

8.5.3 Measure Filters, 169

8.5.4 Date Filters, 169

8.5.5 Context Filters, 170 Why Use a Context Filter?, 170

8.5.6 Filtering with Sets & Groups, 171

8.5.7 Extract Filters, 171

8.5.8 Data Source Filters, 172

8.5.9 Filtering with Parameters, 172

8.6 Testing Filters, 172

8.7 Filter Examples, 172

8.7.1 Filter to Dynamic Range & Top N, 172

8.7.2 Filter the View, Not the Underlying Data, 173 Introduction, 173 Create the Visualization, 174 Validate and Test, 175 Project Files, 175 Data & Fields, 175

Sales, 175

Order Date, 175

8.8 Improve Filter Performance, 175

8.9 Sorting, 175

8.9.1 Default Sort Behavior, 175

8.9.2 What Can’t You Sort?, 176 Continuous Fields, 176 Table Calculations Can’t be Sorted, 176 Change a Continuous Field to Discrete for Sorting with Rank(), 176

8.10 Types of Sorting, 176

8.10.1 Computed Sorts, 176

8.10.2 Manual Sorts, 177

8.10.3 Nested Sort, 177

8.11 How to Sort in Tableau, 177

8.11.1 Sort Dialog Box, 179

8.11.2 The Toolbar Sort Buttons, 179

8.11.3 Hover Over Field Labels, 179

8.11.4 Use a Legend to Sort, 180

8.11.5 Axis Sort Tool, 180

8.12 Sort Examples, 180

8.13 Click Data Points to Sort with a Set, 181

8.13.1 Preview - the Finished Chart, 181

8.13.2 Create the Visualization, 181

8.13.3 Worksheets, 184

8.13.4 Data & Fields, 184 Order Date, 184 Sales, 185 Category, 185 Calculated Fields, 185

Category Sorter, 185

% of Total Sales, 185

Calculation to Turn Off highlighting, 185

8.13.5 Category Sort (Set), 185

8.13.6 Components or Elements, 185

8.13.7 Columns Shelf, 186

8.13.8 Rows Shelf, 186

8.13.9 ‘Change Set Values’ Action, 186

8.13.10 Marks: Details, 186

8.13.11 Marks: Color, 186

8.13.12 Toolbar: Highlight, 186

8.14 Hover to Choose a Field for Sorting, 186

8.14.1 Introduction, 186

8.14.2 Preview - the Finished Dashboard, 186

8.14.3 Create the Visualization, 187

8.14.4 Testing, 190

8.14.5 Project Files, 190

8.14.6 Worksheets & Dashboard, 190

8.14.7 Bar Chart Worksheet, 190

8.14.8 Text Worksheet, 190

8.14.9 Data & Fields, 191

8.14.10 Measured Names, 191

8.14.11 Calculated Fields, 191

“Calc Field for Sorting”, 191

Placeholder, 192

8.14.12 Components or Elements, 192

8.14.13 Filters Shelf, 192

8.14.14 Marks Cart: Text, 192

8.14.15 Measure Values Card, 192 Parameter, 193 Change Parameter - Dashboard Action, 193 Parameter Control, 193

8.15 Sorting Segments Within a Stacked Bar, 193 Preview - the Finished Worksheet, 193 Create the Visualization, 193

8.16 Sort by Rank Alternative, 195

8.16.1 Project Files, 196

8.16.2 Fields, 196

8.16.3 Sort by Date and SUM(Sales), 197

8.17 Sort Columns or Marks, 198

8.17.1 Sort the Order of Columns on the Canvas, 198

8.17.2 Sort to Bring a Mark to the Front, 199

9. Dates, 201

9.1 Date Level Settings, 201

9.2 Date Parts, 202

9.2.1 Year and Month, 204

9.2.2 Select Marks on the View to View Data, 204

9.3 Date Values, 205

9.3.1 Change to a Date Value, 206

9.4 Comparing Date Parts and Date Values, 206

9.5 ISO Date Standards, 207

9.6 Discrete vs. Continuous Dates, 207

9.6.1 Add Date Parts to Titles, 207

9.6.2 Worksheet for Date Title, 208

9.7 Formatting and Default Properties, 209

9.7.1 Formatting All Dates in a Data Source, 209

9.7.2 Default Properties for Dates, 209

9.7.3 Date Symbols, 209

9.7.4 Abbreviate Month in the Axis, 210

9.8 ‘Alias’ for a Date Field, 210

9.9 Date Functions, 210

9.9.1 Date Literal, 211

9.9.2 Expressions for Filtering vs. Returning a Date, 211

9.9.3 DATEPART() and DATENAME(), 211

9.9.4 DATEADD() and DATEDIFF(), 211

9.9.5 Change Date to String with DATENAME(), 212

9.9.6 DATE(), 212

9.9.7 DATETRUNC(), 212

9.9.8 MIN() and MAX() with Dates, 212

9.10 Data Refresh Date in Title, 212

9.11 Avoid ‘All’ in a Date Title, 213

9.12 Time Duration for Gantt Bar, Waterfall & Resume, 214

9.13 Date Parameter in Axis Label, 215

10. Table Calculations, 219

10.1 Table Calculation Scope, 220

10.2 Add a Table Calculation, 220

10.2.1 Pareto Chart With a Running Total & Percent of Total Table Calculation, 221

10.3 Quick Table Calculations, 223

10.4 Compute Using, 224

10.4.1 How ‘Compute Using’ Groups Data in Table Calculations, 224

10.4.2 Compute Using: Specific Dimensions, 225

10.4.3 Slope Chart with a Rank Table Calculation, 225

10.4.4 Compute Using: Table Across, 228

10.4.5 Compute Using: Table Down, 228

10.4.6 Compute Using: Table Across, Then Down, 229

10.4.7 Compute Using: Table Down, Then Across, 229

10.4.8 Compute Using: Pane Down, 230

10.4.9 Compute Using: Pane Down, Then Across, 231

10.4.10 Compute Using: Pane Across, Then Down, 233

11. Calculations, 235

11.1 Types of Calculated Fields, 235

11.1.1 In-line Calculations, 235

11.1.2 Placeholders, 236

11.2 Syntax, 236

11.2.1 Calculated Field Data Types , 237

11.2.2 Comments, 237

11.2.3 Boolean, 237

11.2.4 Functions, 237

11.2.5 Fields, 237

11.2.6 Parameters, 237

11.2.7 Literal Expressions, 237

11.3 Mathematical Order of Operations, 238

11.3.1 Elements in Parentheses, 238

11.3.2 Division and multiplication, 238

11.3.3 Addition and subtraction, 239

11.4 Aggregation & Level of Detail, 239

11.4.1 Count(), CountD(), 240

11.4.2 AVG(), 240

11.4.3 Aggregation Errors, 240

11.4.4 ATTR() - Dimension vs. Measure, 241

11.5 The Calculation Editor, 242

11.5.1 Add Fields to the Calculation, 242

11.5.2 Preview Calculation, 242

11.5.3 Zoom or Font Size, 242

11.6 Create and Edit Calculated Fields, 242

11.7 Validate & Test, 243

11.8 Useful Functions, 243

11.8.1 Case, 244

11.8.2 MAX() and MIN(), 244

11.8.3 ROUND(), 244

11.8.4 ZN(), 244

11.9 User Functions, 244

11.10 Table Calculation Functions, 244

11.10.1 FIRST(), 245 FIRST() Example, 245

11.10.2 LAST(), 246

11.10.3 INDEX(), 247 Filter to Top 5 using INDEX(), 247

11.10.4 LOOKUP(), 248

11.10.5 RANK(), 249 Sort by Ranking Alternative, 249

11.10.6 WINDOW_AVG, 250

11.10.7 WINDOW_SUM , 251

11.11 Level of Detail (LoD), 251

11.12 Level of Detail Expressions, 252

11.12.1 Scoping Keywords, 252 EXCLUDE, 252 FIXED, 253 INCLUDE, 253

11.12.2 LoD Declaration, 254

11.13 Fixed LoD Example, 254

11.13.1 Comparing Visualizations, 254

11.13.2 The Visualization Without LoD Calculations, 255

11.13.3 The Visualization with a LoD Zip Calculation, 256

11.13.4 LOD All Fans Sheet, 257 Fixed LoD Without a Dimension Declaration, 258

11.13.5 Project Files, 259

11.13.6 Worksheets, 259 No LoDs, 259 LoD Zip, 259 LoD All Fans, 259

11.13.7 Data & Fields, 260

11.13.8 Calculated Fields, 260 % of All Fans v2, 261

11.13.9 Components or Elements, 261

11.13.10 Marks Card: Label, 261 No LoDs, 261 LoD Zip, 261 LoD All Fans, 261

11.14 Weighted Average with Fixed LoD, 261

11.14.1 Introduction, 262

11.14.2 Preview - the Finished Dashboard, 262

11.14.3 Create the Visualization, 262

11.14.4 The Avg Expense View, 262

11.14.5 The Weighted Average Calculation, 263

11.14.6 The Weighted Average View, 263

11.14.7 Worksheets & the Dashboard, 264

11.14.8 Data & Fields, 264 Order Date, 264 Category, 264 Sales, 264 Profit, 265 Expense, 265 Weighted Average, 265 Avg Expense, 265

11.14.9 Components or Elements, 265 Columns Shelf, 265 Rows Shelf, 265 Text Tile on the Marks Card, 265 Row Grand Totals, 266

11.14.10 Marks Card: Text, 266

11.15 Totals, 266

11.15.1 Format Totals, 267

11.15.2 Include Totals in the Color Property, 267

11.15.3 Total Using Sum, Average, Minimum, or Maximum, 267

12. Formatting, 269

12.1 Elements of the View, 269

12.1.1 Format an Object, 271

12.2 Format Control Panes, 271

12.3 Fonts, 272

12.4 Alignment, 272

12.4.1 Vertical Alignment, 272

12.4.2 Center Column Values, 273 Format Pane, 273 Text Tile Alignment, 274

12.4.3 Text Tile - Edit Label, 274

12.4.4 Format Pane - Measure Values, 275

12.5 Shading, 276

12.5.1 Row Banding, 277

12.5.2 Column Banding, 278

12.5.3 Worksheet Shading (Background), 278

12.6 Borders, 278

12.6.1 Default: Cell, 278

12.6.2 Row Divider, 279

12.6.3 Column Divider, 280 Divider Between Columns, 281

12.7 Lines , 282

12.7.1 Grid Lines, 282

12.7.2 Format the Workbook Grid Lines, 282

12.7.3 Horizontal Grid Lines, 283

12.7.4 Axis Rulers, 284

12.8 Fields, 285

12.8.1 Header Tab, 285 Format Totals, 286

12.8.2 Can not Format Date Field, 286

12.9 Show Header/Hide Header, 286

12.9.1 Resize Column Header, 286

12.10 Axis, 286

12.10.1 Show or Hide Axis, 286

12.10.2 Axis Labels, 287

12.10.3 Resize Axis Height, 287

12.11 Format Field: Axis, Numbers, 287

12.11.1 Currency (Standard), 288

12.11.2 Pane, Null Format, 288

12.11.3 Format Field: Pane, 289

12.11.4 Number Formats: Positive, Negative & Zero, 289

12.11.5 Number Format: Percentage, 290

12.11.6 Number Format: Custom Arrows, 291

12.12 Bring a Mark to the Forefront, 293

12.13 Resize, 293

12.13.1 Resize Bar Width, 294

12.14 Default Properties, 294

12.14.1 Color, 295

12.15 Format Menu, 295

12.15.1 Workbook, 295

12.15.2 Animations, 295

12.15.3 Worksheet Title and Caption, 295

12.15.4 Filter & Set Controls, 296

12.15.5 Field Labels, 296

12.15.6 Legends, 296

12.15.7 Cell Size, 296

12.15.8 Copy & Paste Formatting, 297

12.16 Worksheet Settings, 297

12.17 Headers, 297

12.17.1 Change Whitespace between Title and Column Headings, 297

12.17.2 Dashboard Container for Headings, 298

12.17.3 Rotate Header, 298

12.17.4 Format Header for Totals, 298

12.17.5 Headings Do not Line Up on a Dashboard, 298

12.18 Analysis: Table Layout, 298

12.18.1 Show Empty Columns, 299

12.19 Properties on the Marks Card, 299

12.20 Reference Line Labels, 299

12.21 Arrows Comparing Two Values, 299

12.22 Color, 301

12.22.1 Title with Mark Colors, 301

12.22.2 Match Label Colors to Bar Color, 301

12.22.3 Trend Line Color, 302

12.22.4 Remove Vertical Lines from the Color Tile, 302

12.22.5 Color Not Applied, 302

13. Labeling & Text, 303

13.1 Mark Labels, 303

13.1.1 Stack Marks Off, 304

13.1.2 Mark Labels & the Text Tile, 304 Always Show, 305

13.1.3 Move a Label, 305

13.1.4 Beginning and End of Line, 305

13.1.5 Move Headings to the Top , 306

13.1.6 Use Measure Names as Labels, 306

13.1.7 Reposition Mark Labels, 306 Highlight Table - Mark Labels, 306

13.1.8 Toolbar Button, 307

13.2 Axis Labels, 307

13.2.1 Format Axis, 307

13.2.2 Show or Hide Axis, 307

13.2.3 Independent Axis for Each Row, 308

13.2.4 Center Date Labels/Headers, 308

13.3 Field Labels, 309

13.4 Headers, 309

13.4.1 Add Headers to Multiple Charts, 309

13.4.2 A Heading for a Field on the Text Tile, 309

13.4.3 Dashboard Container Only for Headings, 310

13.5 Worksheet Titles, 310

13.5.1 Titles Including Field Data, 311

13.6 Legends & Controls, 311

13.6.1 Edit Alias, 311

13.6.2 Legend Highlighting, 311

13.6.3 Separate Color Legends, 311

13.6.4 Custom Color & Shape Legend (Diamond), 312

13.7 Annotations, 314

13.8 Placeholder Fields, 314

13.9 Reference Line Labels, 315

14. Dashboards, 317

14.1 Create a Dashboard, 317

14.2 Dashboard Pane, 317

14.2.1 Device Layout, 318

14.2.2 Size, 318

14.2.3 Sheets, 318 Swap Sheets, 318

14.2.4 Objects, 318

14.2.5 Tiled and Floating, 318

14.3 Layout Pane, 319

14.3.1 Position and Size, 319

14.3.2 Background, 319 Background Image or Wallpaper, 319 Change a Floating Object Background Color, 319

14.3.3 Item Hierarchy, 319

14.3.4 Padding, 320

14.4 Containers, 320

14.4.1 Add a Container, 321

14.4.2 Add Objects to a Container, 321

14.4.3 Drag to Resize Containers, Sheets, and Objects, 321

14.4.4 Select a Parent Container, 322

14.4.5 Positioning Containers and Objects, 322

14.5 Dashboard Objects, 323

14.5.1 Image Button - URL or Email, 323

14.5.2 Web Page Button, 324

14.5.3 Menus from Buttons, 324

14.5.4 Download Button, 324

14.5.5 Copy a Dashboard Object, 325

14.6 Object Menu, 325

14.6.1 Fit, 326 Align Two Charts With Fit Width, 326

14.6.2 Caption, 327

14.6.3 Size: Edit Height or Width, 327

14.6.4 Align Sheets (Height), 327

14.6.5 Distribute Contents Evenly, 327

14.6.6 Floating Container: Show-Hide Button, 328

14.6.7 Reorder Objects in a Container, 328

14.6.8 Floating Order, 328

14.6.9 Select Parent Container, 328

14.7 Filters, 328

14.7.1 Identifying Particular Worksheet Filters, 328

14.7.2 Format a Filter Control Title, 328

14.7.3 Apply Filter to all Data Sources, 329

14.7.4 Filter Dashboard Sheets When Data Points are Selected, 329

14.7.5 Apply Filter to All Worksheets on Dash, 329

14.8 Legend, 329

14.9 Parameter Controls, 330

14.10 Dashboard Menu, 330

14.10.1 Align Items With a Grid, 330

14.11 Actions, 330

14.12 Titles & Headings, 331

14.12.1 Include Field Data in the Dashboard Title, 331

14.12.2 Dashboard Container for Headings, 331

14.13 Aligning KPIs on a Dashboard, 331

14.14 Dashboard Sheet Selection Menu, 332

14.14.1 Preview - the Finished Dashboard, 332

14.14.2 Create the Visualization, 332

14.14.3 Testing, 334

14.14.4 Worksheets and Dashboard, 334

14.14.5 Data & Fields, 335

14.14.6 Calculated Fields, 335

14.14.7 Components or Elements, 335

14.14.8 Columns Shelf, 335

14.14.9 Rows Shelf, 335

14.14.10 Parameter, 335

14.14.11 Parameter Control, 335

14.14.12 Filters Shelf, 336 Profit Worksheet Filter, 336 Sales Worksheet Filter, 336

14.15 Dynamic Zone Variability, 336

14.15.1 Testing, 338

14.16 Horizontal Radial Buttons to Change Filters, 338

14.16.1 Testing, 342

14.17 Horizontal Radial Buttons to Switch Sheets, 342

14.18 A Floating Container for Filters, 346

14.18.1 Introduction, 346

14.18.2 Preview - the Finished Dashboard, 346 Hide the Filters Container, 347

14.18.3 Create the Visualization, 347

14.18.4 Testing, 350

14.18.5 Worksheet & Dashboard, 350

14.18.6 Data & Fields, 350

14.18.7 Components or Elements, 350

14.18.8 Rows Shelf, 351

14.18.9 Columns Shelf, 351

14.18.10 Filters Shelf, 351

14.18.11 Filter Controls, 351

14.18.12 Dashboard Container & Show/Hide Button, 351

14.18.13 Formatting, 352

14.19 A Reset All Filters Button, 352

14.19.1 Introduction, 352

14.19.2 Preview - the Finished Dashboard, 352

14.19.3 Create the Visualization, 352

14.19.4 Testing, 354

14.19.5 Worksheets, 354 Select All Filters Worksheet, 355

14.20 A Floating Dashboard Container, 355

14.20.1 Rows Shelf, 355

14.20.2 Columns Shelf, 355

14.20.3 Filters Shelf, 355

14.20.4 Filter Controls, 355

14.20.5 Filters Action, 355

14.20.6 Formatting, 355

14.21 A Pop-Out Chart (Filter Action), 356

14.21.1 Create the Visualization, 356

14.21.2 Testing, 358

14.21.3 Worksheets, 358

14.21.4 Dashboard, 358 Vertical Container: Chart 1, 358 Vertical Container: Pop-out Chart 2, 358

14.21.5 Filter Action, 358

14.22 Titles When There Are No Rows of Data, 359

14.23 KPIs and BANs (Big Numbers), 359

14.23.1 Create the Visualization, 359

14.23.2 Display Only Shapes, 363

14.23.3 Size KPIs Sheets and Containers , 363

14.23.4 Arrows from Number Format, 364

14.23.5 Data & Fields, 364

14.23.6 Calculated Fields, 364

14.23.7 Rows & Columns Shelves, 364

14.23.8 Set, 364

14.23.9 Marks, 364

14.23.10 Filters Shelf, 364

14.24 Stories, 365

14.24.1 Size Options, 365

14.24.2 Layout Pane, 365

14.24.3 Title, 366

14.24.4 Add Text, 366

15. Interactivity, 367

15.1 Actions, 367

15.1.1 Run Action On, 367

15.1.2 Filter Action, 368

15.1.3 Highlight Action, 368

15.1.4 Go to URL Action, 368 Link to Tableau Server Dashboards and Worksheets, 369 Email (URL Link), 369

15.1.5 Go to Sheet Action with a Tooltip, 369

15.1.6 Change Parameter Action, 370

15.1.7 Change Set Action, 371

15.1.8 Drill Down with a Set Action, 371

15.2 Tooltips, 373

15.2.1 Edit Tooltip, 373

15.2.2 Tooltip Command Buttons, 374

15.2.3 Field Not Showing in Tooltip, 374

15.2.4 Unhide Tooltip Worksheet, 374

15.2.5 Insert a Chart Inside the Tooltip, 375

15.2.6 Email From Within a Tooltip, 375

15.2.7 Open Other Worksheet from Within a Tooltip, 375

15.3 Highlighting, 376

15.3.1 Toolbar: Highlight, 376

15.3.2 Choose Highlight Fields, 377

15.3.3 Calculation Field to Turn Off Highlighting, 378

15.3.4 Legend Highlighting, 379

15.4 Parameters, 379

15.4.1 Create Parameter, 379

15.4.2 Populate with the Latest Date, 379

15.4.3 Filter With Parameter, 380

15.4.4 Parameter Control, 380

15.5 Switch Between Measures with Parameters, 380

15.5.1 Create the Visualization, 380

15.5.2 Testing, 382

15.5.3 Data & Fields, 382 Calculated Field, 382

15.5.4 Columns Shelf, 382

15.5.5 Rows Shelf, 382

15.5.6 The Parameter & a Parameter Control, 382

15.5.7 Marks Card: Color Tile, 382

15.6 Switch Between Aggregation: Sum & %, 382

15.6.1 Switch Between Dimensions, 383

15.7 Hierarchies, 384