Example Charts

Chart 1: Dual Axes Area & Line Chart, Figure 6.8 in Tableau at Work

Chart 2: Area Chart, Click Data Points to Sort With a Set, Figure 8.44 in Tableau at Work

Chart 5: Hover to Choose a Field for Sorting, Figure 8.55 in Tableau at Work

Chart 6: Fixed LOD Example, Figure 11.39 in Tableau at Work

Chart 7: Custom Color & Shape Legend (Yellow Diamond), Figure 13.23 in Tableau at Work

Chart 8: Box and Whisker, Figure 7.36 in Tableau at Work

Diamond Shapes for Top 3

Chart 9: Bullet Graph with Reference Line, Figure 7.104 in Tableau at Work

s1096, Drop-down sheet selector with dynamic zones for filters

Create a Tableau dashboard with a parameter to display different worksheets. The dashboard uses dynamic zone variability with calculated fields to display the corresponding view and filter.

My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization
My embedded Tableau visualization